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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Daily updates

For daily construction marketing ideas updates, see

This (older) blog contains a wealth of archival material, since its start in late 2006. It also serves as a back-up for the currently-updated blog, in situations where I cannot access the wordpress site or (as happened in December 2013), I crashed the entire blog.

I'll also use this blog to provide information about special events and activities -- watch for the monthly webinar program including the first event -- a presentation about proposals from Matt Handal.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The marketing plan -- a work in progress

I'm currently building a special site focusing on how you can effectively create a marketing plan that is powerful, simple, and easy to manage.

If you have suggestions or sample successful plans you would be willing to share, please let me know. I'll provide source credit, of course.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Best construction blog competition voting: The results

Here are the popular vote results for the 2013 Best Construction Blog competition.

You can see all the entries and visit the relevant blogs here. 

Judges will combine assessment of the popular vote with the overall design, writing quality and effectiveness of the blogs in deciding the 2013 Best Construction Blog. We'll share the judge's decision on April 15.