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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Today in Washington

Today, I fly to Washington, D.C. to start the process of re-establishing Washington Construction News. I'll attend a meeting of the SMPS DC Chapter tonight, and meet with Chris Chapin, the local publisher, tomorrow, while co-ordinating editorial contractors.

One thing apparent from emails and communications with with several people over the past few weeks is the severity of the U.S. recession on the construction industry is much greater than official statistics show, though the problems are far less severe in the D.C. area (or, for that matter at our home base in Ottawa, Canada) than they are elsewhere in the country. The reason, of course, is the 'security net' that government creates for the local economies.

Because you may wish to learn about opportunities in the Washington, D.C. area for your own business, please feel free to email me at

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