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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Video in construction marketing: A video

Here is my latest construction marketing video. The topic: Using video for construction marketing.

My videographing learning curve continues to accelerate as I discover how to manage the video editing processes and systems. The notable thing here is the time it took from conception to completion is less than 30 minutes. You can see how, with practice, your skills and quality improve, and time required to make the videos declines.

You can also consider the professional option, as outlined in the earlier posting about I advocate you use a hybrid approach -- learn how to do simple videos yourself (or have an employee with a knack for this sort of thing do it for you) and contract with one of the inexpensive professional services. You would use the professional videos in your formal advertising and perhaps to book-end some more personal and individualized videos you can use on your blog or individual client presentations.

Video these days is extremely inexpensive and you will likely be the first contractor in your area to use these tools, so you have a natural marketing edge.

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