Steve Sellers from Professionalcontractingassociation.com, based in New Jersey, responded to my email inquiry when I prepared the Vapourware Marketing posting yesterday. In my email to him, I asked:
If I'm wrong in my assumptions, we should communicate so I can write an accurate story. If I'm right, don't worry, no one should be able to trace you from this posting and I never name individuals/organizations (negatively) publicly in the blog.His answer:
If the truth is somewhere "in between" also let me know -- while I can't write an artificially positive review, we can still share notes.
"In-between" would be the most accurate. This IS a new venture for me, although I am not new to Internet marketing. That being said, I owned/operated a small construction company in New Jersey (you are right about the Eastern U.S.), and no, this is not my home address--it is an office.He followed up with a phone conversation and emailed some rather interesting material behind the site, including a marketing e-book and a six week course on how to effectively structure and operate a contracting business.
Long story, but we are shutting down our construction business this month... I'll be happy to share all of the torrid details over the phone...
I've tried very hard not to over-inflate my claims and if it appears that I have done so, then any feedback would be highly appreciated!
It turns out he has a contracting business which he would like to sell or quit; a manager is operating it while he works at another full-time job and he tries to make his Internet marketing business viable.
He told me he got into trouble when he purchased a maintenance franchise; the franchiser didn't know the business, and it lost thousands of dollars until he ditched the franchise and learned how to do things himself. Last year, the business turned a small profit.
"Why not validate your approach by making your contracting business truly successful," I asked him. He said he is disillusioned with the business and the harrowing experience the ill-fated franchise put him and his family through. He is burned out. His manager would like to purchase the business, but of course doesn't have the spare cash.
Sellers' Internet business, meanwhile, has been in operation for three weeks. He has sold one marketing system, a newsletter/email follow up management system provided by The Halos Marketing Group.
His Adwords budget is $10.00 a day, and this generates 15 to 25 leads -- of which about half of one per cent convert to a request for a free newsletter subscription. But since the system operates on autoresponder, it may turn out to be a modest part-time business if he can sell two or three marketing packages a month.
Fair enough. Is this vapourware? Digging beneath the surface, maybe not. Sellers has hard-knock experience. His e-course, which is right now free, is quite well presented and provides practical and useful materials. (Free is also a rather good price!)
I'm not sure I'd pay the fee for the marketing/newsletter package, but you might want to check his free course at http://www.6weekbusinessremodel.com. And since his marketing e-book is also free, you can check it here: http://www.professionalcontractingassociation.com/Marketing.pdf.
I still wish he wouldn't use the word "Association" when he is operating a small, part-time one person business. And I really hate the cheesy squeeze page "Internet marketing technique" format. Every time I see this sort of site, I feel like running for the hills.
Nevertheless, the free stuff is quite good and he really has been in the business, so I'll keep my mind open and grant him a hyperlink for his blog at http://professionalcontractingassociation.com/blog/
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