Thursday, December 30, 2010
Preparing for tomorrow's live feed
You can register here.
If you are around your computer at 2 p.m. this afternoon, feel free to join us for a technical test and dress rehearsal. You can go directly to the live feed site at
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:02 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
How many can attend the December 31 live video feed?
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:39 AM
Monday, December 27, 2010
Resetting the Best Construction Blog framework
When the resetting is complete, readers will have access to the most comprehensive and organized construction blog service on the Internet. If your blog qualifies, you'll receive some really useful free publicity and the chance to be a finalist in the Best Construction Blog competition.
You can nominate your blog now at this link.
To qualify, your blog will need to contain relevant, useful content, be updated at least weekly or on a reasonable schedule for at least three months, and not primarily appear to be a device to trick the search engines.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
1:41 AM
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Preparing for the new construction marketing era
Registrations are continuing to arrive in surprising numbers (considering it is, after all, Christmas), for the upcoming live Construction Marketing Ideas video broadcast on New Years Eve at 11:00 a.m.
Of course, it helps that the event is totally free. If you are in Ottawa, you are welcome to be in our live, ahem, "studio" audience. (Actually, we'll give you a chair, some Timbits and a cup of coffee in our tiny, less-than-opulent offices if you register ahead of time and tell us you are coming.)
Yeah, I hope some visitors to the broadcast decide to purchase my Construction Marketing Ideas book, but this session most definitely is not intended as a sales thing. It is more an exercise in learning how to apply new video and broadcasting technologies to develop effective marketing strategies. In other words, we'll be learning some useful stuff even as we conduct the real broadcast.
You can register for the program here. Again, it is free.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:28 AM
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day and Construction Marketing
Reprinted from the Construction Marketing Ideas blog, Dec. 25, 2009.
How will you remember 2010? For some, it has been a year of genuine turmoil and struggle, as formerly thriving businesses faced painful retrenchments and struggled to survive. Some readers lost their jobs, some their businesses. Conditions in Canada were better in 2010 but the U.S. economy remains in difficult shape -- and there are warning signs ahead here, as well. However, we discovered some bright beacons for the future. We also discovered how timeless business principals distilled by our consultant Bill Caswell of Caswell Corporate Coaching Company could help our (and your) business both weather the storm and restore its capacity to thrive. Most importantly, we realized how important traditional values and relationships are in the electronic age. Architectural, engineering and construction businesses thrive by delivering top quality services -- built on relationships founded in respect and integrity. Best wishes for the Holiday Season and Happy New Year! Mark Buckshon ![]() President Construction News and Report Group of Companies P.S., as a year-end thank you -- and to continue my learning process about new media, you are welcome to attend the year-end live video broadcast at 11 a.m. on Dec. 31. For free registration information, please visit this site. |
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:38 AM
Friday, December 24, 2010
Preparing for the Dec. 31 (free) live video feed
Yesterday evening, I set up some of the frameworks for the upcoming free live Construction Marketing Ideas video presentation scheduled for December 31 at 11 a.m. You can register here.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:30 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The best construction blog competition: Choosing the judges
I expect we will be ready to fully promote the competition at the beginning of 2011 with a month (January) to invite nominations and a second month (February) for judging and popular voting.
You can get a head start on the nomination process if you wish by nominating your own blog or the one you like the best using this form.
There is no fee to enter nor receive recognition as a contestant or finalist in this competition.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:07 AM
Labels: best construction blog
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A free year-end event
You are invited to a special online live feed Construction Marketing Ideas year-end review at 11 a.m. EST on Dec. 31.
In this event, I'll review some of the best marketing ideas from the past year and look forward to 2011. You can suggest issues of concern to you. If you are in Ottawa, you are welcome to visit our (modest) offices to join in the event -- we'll order some Tim Hortons donuts and coffee for you.
The event is free. For more information, just click on the button below.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:47 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Construction Marketing: Developing the best Construction blog judging criteria
I spent some time yesterday devising possible criteria for judging the Best Construction Blog judging criteria, as I considered who to invite as independent judges. Obviously, the judges should have a say in the criteria -- but my goal is to make the judging process as easy as possible, so I'll provide prospective judges with a model which they can revise (by consensus) in setting out the competition rules.
Today, I also set the close for nominations at January 31, 2011, with voting through February. Popular vote will count for the "readers' choice" category and will be one element to consider in evaluating the overall best construction blog.
If you wish to nominate either your blog or someone else's, you can now share your recommendation with the official nomination form.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
12:30 AM
Monday, December 20, 2010
Construction marketing: The best blog judging process
This year, we'll recruit a judging panel, and invite the judges to assess the blogs on criteria which truly assess their quality. We'll combine this judging with a popular vote competition and the grand winner will need to achieve voting success both from the independent judges and popular vote (but popular vote and judged entries will also receive recognition.)
If you would like to participate as a judge, please feel free to email me at
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
12:50 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Construction Marketing blogs: Blogger, Wordpress or both?
![]() |
The North Carolina Construction News website is hosted on our server with Wordpress software. |
We effectively use both systems for our North Carolina publications, including Triangle/Triad Construction News and Charlotte Construction News. The websites' home pages and substantial content are hosted on the Wordpress framework on our own server, but the North Carolina Construction News blog is published with Blogger.
This approach allows us to develop a customized, relatively easy-to-maintain site design hosted on our own internet service provider's server, while the blog is extremely simple to maintain and update and (appropriately) is clearly distinguishable as a blog.
Last year at this time, I decided to "move" my main Construction Marketing Ideas blog from Blogger to Wordpress, gradually fading away from daily updates on the Blogger site. Certainly, Wordpress allows me much functionality, especially in the incredible selection of plug-ins to add features and special extras to the site. However, Blogger has also evolved with some really nifty tools to make it easier to use and expand.
I think, in practice, if you are just starting out with a blog and lack much experience, or you wish a blog to look, feel, and behave exactly like a blog (in other words, readers to perceive it entirely as a blog and not a website) Blogger is a good idea. If you wish to control your site and build in many extra features, then go with Wordpress hosted on your own server. (That is, a Wordpress site where you build it from rather than Finally, as I've described here, you can certainly use both systems effectively in combination.
In the next week, I'll set a plug-in on the Wordpress-formatted Construction Marketing Ideas blog to allow you to post your blog listing directly on the system, with additional graphics and description opportunities. (Obviously, I'll set a moderation and review system to prevent anyone from spamming the system.) Meanwhile, I'll use this Blogger blog to highlight the project and share with you the details of the nomination and voting process for the Best Construction Blog competition. Watch for more daily updates.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:14 AM
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Best Construction Blog competition 2011
We're preparing for the Best Construction Blog Competition, 2011 edition. Watch for daily updates here as the competition is organized. This site, along with the new Construction Marketing Ideas blog at will be the host sites -- we will recruit an independent judging panel to go along with a popular vote competition.
I will set up the nomination forms within the next few days and outline the nomination/voting schedule.
The successful blog will receive special recognition in the Design and Construction Report with other media announcements and publicity.
As I prepare the campaign, please feel free to email me at with your suggestions and observations.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:19 AM
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
The Construction Marketing Ideas book: Print or electronic format

Construction Marketing Ideas: Practical strategies and resources to attract and retain clients for your architectural, engineering or construction business
You can now obtain the Construction Marketing Ideas book in either printed or electronic formats. Options include purchasing through or other online retailers, the Construction Marketing Ideas website or the IStore (for Ipads and Macs).
While the book is available in these formats, in practice, virtually everyone purchases it in its printed format -- and a few each month elect to purchase a PDF file copy of the book electronically from the Construction Marketing Ideas website.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:31 PM
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The book
Please feel free to read the Construction Marketing Idea book reviews and browse the pages at either or Google Books.
You can also obtain additional information at the book page on the new Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:49 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Evaluating Live Chat
Recently, at my primary Construction Marketing Ideas Blog site, I have been evaluating a free Live Chat service. It is early going, but the live chat service appears to be quite solid -- and the price is certainly right.
You can connect with me by Live Chat (when I'm actually at my computer) through this link.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:41 AM
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Design and Construction Report
The Summer issue of The Design and Construction Report, published in co-operation with the Design and Construction Network, has been published. You can view the online magazine with page turning software or a downloadable PDF file, which you can print on your office computer.
I welcome your observations about the magazine and suggestions for future issues.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
8:01 PM
Friday, August 06, 2010
So, "way back in 2006-07" I started this blog, posting daily. It turned out to be the first sustained and updated Construction Marketing Blog. And I generously shared backlinks and references to other useful sites and resources.
One day in 2007 this site skyrocketed in the search engine rankings. It remains in first place even though I focus virtually all of my blogging (including free daily updates) on the new Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Most likely, you are finding your way here either through search engine responses or old hyperlinks which still are active. And of course there are page after page of useful archive contents.
But this blog is no longer the best in the business. (With some vanity, my new Construction Marketing Ideas blog is.) But it is still top-ranked. It is there because I started it first.
This is a vitally important marketing rule. You will find an uphill battle if you try to develop a message or present a service that is "better" than a competitor who occupies your potential clients' mind-space first. No matter how objectively better your service is; you have an uphill battle. Of course, you can pour a small fortune into paid advertising and marketing to hammer the competition.
But a much better strategy is to find another way to be first, either by redefining your demographics, your message, your "unique selling proposition" or your geographical focus. When you are first, you win.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:17 AM
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Construction Marketing Ideas book
Read the Construction Marketing Ideas book reviews and sample the book at Google books (and within Amazon page view
). Then if you wish, you can purchase it from the bookseller of your choice or directly from the publisher.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
11:19 PM
Monday, July 12, 2010
To boston for SMPS and intensive construction marketing
I'll be blogging extensively at the main Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
If you are at the conference and would like to connect with me, you can reach me at
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
1:22 AM
Monday, July 05, 2010
How to create construction marketing value: Be first
One of the most fundamental principles in all types of marketing is: "Be first to mind" That is, the marketer who creates the first impression within the subject area or niche owns it, with relatively simple defensive measures. You can certainly blow your first place lead, but you will have trouble losing if you use some common sense.
First does not necessarily mean best in the absolute sense. The second or third to arrive on the scene, in the marketing sense at least, may have a superior product or service. But (unless you are sloppy) they will always be beaten. You can if necessary copy or emulate the "value" in the alternative services but they cannot copy or emulate your first-place marketing position.
In practice, how do you use this basic marketing rule? First, define your service or product so that your marketing statement is unique ("first") within the segment or community you wish to serve. There may be dozens of roofing contractors, for example, in your area, but you ma be the first to offer free two hour emergency service regardless of conditions. (Of course, you actually need to be able to offer the service you claim, or you will run afoul of the authorities.) You can of course define your service as "first" within a narrow geographical or demographic area. ("First" in a certain neighbourhood, or "first" to provide complete estimates by IPhone.)
This is the first construction marketing blog. I moved the actively maintained blog to with its own domain and hosting (and have put much useful and relevant content on it.) But if you think I'm going to give up this space and URL, you don't appreciate the power of "first". (Still you are most welcome to read my posting on how to blog effectively for the construction industry here, and I expect you will find value in the first Construction Marketing Ideas Webinar on Thursday, July 8.)
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:30 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Construction Marketing Ideas webinar
is scheduled for July 8. If you register by June 30, however, you will receive a free copy of my Construction Marketing Ideas book. For additional information, visit
For additional insights and observations about Construction Marketing, you can visit the Construction Marketing Ideas blog which is updated daily at
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
8:27 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fresh ideas for architectural, engineering and construction industry marketing
About a half year ago, I moved the Construction Marketing Ideas blog. The new blog is updated daily with lots of information and insights into issues relating to marketing for the construction industry. As well, links and resources are updated -- and you can view videos and other materials related to construction industry marketing.
This site remains in place largely because of the archives: Lots of useful earlier postings which you may wish to refer or can discover through your Internet searches. And of course you can also link from here to the Construction Marketing Ideas book page.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
5:35 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Another positive review for Construction Marketing Ideas
Today, I really received a surprise in opening my email. London, England construction marketer and consultant Chis Ashworth wrote in his Competitive Advantage Newsletter:
Mark Buckshon is a journalist who publishes regional construction industry publications in the US and Canadian market. He is also a prolific Blogger.This review is truly a wonderful surprise, because I didn't send the reviewer a review copy -- he purchased the book, like anyone else!
Construction Marketing Ideas has been written for the North American Architectural, Engineering or Construction (AEC) business, but has much of relevance to those same companies in the UK. If you are not in this group it is still well worth a read as it contains plenty of useful ideas.
Many of his suggestions have been drawn from a few key businesses that he has got to know and all are practical. He also provides a number of useful references for further reading. The first half of the book sets out the foundations for an effective business, covering subjects such as brand, identifying strengths, customer relationships and the business plan. Then he moves on to make practical suggestions for promoting your business. For those who are not in small AEC companies, his views on the use of digital media will probably be most useful as they are based on practical experience.
Although there are a number of references to US organisations it is an easy book to read and contributes to a very small library of specialist construction marketing books.
(The book naturally is written primarily for readers in the U.S. and Canadian market so indeed it focuses on organizations such as The Society for Marketing Professional Services which are relevant more on this side of the pond.)
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:00 PM
Saturday, June 12, 2010
New, original content . . .
Is at the actual Construction Marketing Ideas Blog. I maintain this site largely because of its archives.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
1:05 AM
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
The book and more
At this site, I'll refer you to the Construction Marketing Ideas book. However, you can find much more substance at the actively-maintained Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:34 PM
Sunday, June 06, 2010
The media relations/publicity Webinar
I've rescheduled the Webinar for Wednesday, June 9 at 3 p.m. As this is a make-up event to fulfill commitments to the original participants, I am not promoting it widely.
However, you can still attend for free if you've advertised in any of our publications in the past year and admission is half-price if you've purchased Construction Marketing Ideas: Practical strategies and resources to attract and retain clients for your architectural, engineering or construction business.
Alternatively you can register for the event for $79.00 and we'll send you a free copy of the book.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:17 AM
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
New levels
These are interesting times, and some of the stuff happening behind the scenes makes for great stories. But I'll keep it simple for now.
As we prepare to "restore" the design and all the features at the new Construction Marketing Ideas site, I'm maintaining daily substantive and hopefully useful postings there. So feel free to head over for a look.
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Construction Marketing Ideas
5:17 PM
Friday, May 28, 2010
It appears my main blog site,, is unavailable right now. I believe the problems are server related at my ISP as the error codes are appearing on all the domains.
This means updating postings will be delayed.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:21 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
An issue with an AdSense Forum spammer
Until the matter is resolved, and to ensure that legitimate advertisers are not victimized by the fraudster, I have removed the AdSense code from this site.
The picture at right is the Hacienda Hotel in Los Angeles, where the spammer used a public WIFI access spot to cause havoc.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:51 AM
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Good ideas
I use this legacy site primarily to reference your visit to the frequently updated and content-rich Construction Marketing Ideas blog hosted on our own server at
You can also preview my book here on Google Books.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
2:23 AM
Friday, May 21, 2010
Learning marketing lessons
I wish I could share with you some of the lessons I've learned today. However, some marketing stories are not meant to be shared publicly. Although openness is often an asset (and I've found that truthfulness about everything -- including your mistakes and problems -- helps build trust and your brand), there are times when the cone of silence makes the most sense.
Oakland is a beautiful city. You can preview the Construction Marketing Ideas book here.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
4:50 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Art and Science of Publicity: A special Webinar
I'll be hosting a special webinar to provide practical guidance and suggestion to architectural, engineering and construction businesses on how to achieve substantial -- and profitable media publicity.
The special session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1 at 3:00 p.m. You can find out more by clicking on the notice at the right of the page or here.
Tickets are $79.00 but if you have purchased the Construction Marketing Ideas book, you will save $40.00. The book retails for $39.95, so essentially your book will be free! (And though it is somewhat against my self-interest here, you can possibly save money by ordering from some online retailers such as If you do, simply send an email with your proof of order to qualify for the discount.
Some of the topics covered int he Webinar are reported in the free booklet, The Art and Science of Publicity, which you can access at the real Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
6:51 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Co-operation and success
The program is from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. (EDT). We'll be sending you detailed log-in information Monday morning if you've registered already and (if you wish to wait until the last couple of hours) will send you the information as soon as possible.
Webinars can be of special value if you have conferencing/group viewing capabilities as several people can watch at the same time. You'll learn far more than the $49.00 investment from the experience.
You can register at this link.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
6:58 PM
///CMA Advance your company. Advance your career.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:15 AM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Encouraging co-operation
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:58 AM
Friday, May 14, 2010
Construction Marketing Ideas reviewed on
Writers not surprisingly have a mixture of hope and fear when we learn our book is about to be reviewed. Thankfully, hope can turn quickly to grattitude if the review is positive. (I don't know what it feels like to receive a negative review yet for my book because I haven't received one.)
You can read the review of the Construction Marketing Ideas book on the site.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
2:35 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The book
Yesterday, I received an email from the marketing representative of a major general contractor in Ottawa. She had heard through the grapevine that her company had been mentioned in the Construction Marketing Ideas book and wondered where she could purchase a copy.
I initially referred her to Google Books and the book home page, then decided to simply offer her a free copy (we've done thousands of dollars in business over the years).
She then explained to me how she had learned about the book. Her counterpart at the company's office in Los Angeles had purchased the book and was using it, asked her if she knew a "Mark Buckshon" in Ottawa.
Small world.
The book is selling an average of a copy or two a day, which won't put it to the top of the New York Times bestsellers list, but is certainly reasonable for a relevant but reasonably specialized topic.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
5:51 AM
Monday, May 10, 2010
These books go together
You will find many elements of my Construction Marketing Ideas book share some of the philosophies of Go-Givers Sell More
. Read more at the actively-maintained Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
1:48 AM
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Measuring, listening and the book
You can read a posting about when to measure and when to listen at the "real" Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
You can also read portions of the new Construction Marketing Ideas book at Google Books.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
3:09 AM
Saturday, May 08, 2010
How much is a lead worth to you?
I know, the obvious answer is "it depends". Clearly a high-value referral lead for a high margin project is worth more than a one-of-many lead for a small job.
But there is a purpose in this question to see if you've measured your cost-per-lead. This information is useful in assessing your marketing performance and, if you have sales representatives, their results.
You can view the results of the poll and find more details at the primary Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
1:51 AM
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Investing in the book
We received another two orders for The Construction Marketing Ideas book today, bringing the total so far to 35. If that doesn't quite sound like a New York Times bestseller, it is okay with me. After all, the topic is somewhat specialized. You need to be a marketer or decision-maker for an architectural, engineering or construction business to find the book to be useful.
Fortunately, the early reviews are positive and I expect if you purchase the book either through Amazon or one of the other online services, or directly from, you will be happy with its value.
Again, you can view a sampling of the book at Google Books.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:47 PM
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
The Construction Marketing Ideas book
An impressive number of orders continue to arrive each day for the new Construction Marketing Ideas book. If you order from Amazon (click on left) the wholesale orders are fulfilled from our printers and I don't have any interaction with you (and the book-purchasing process is truly seamless.)
If you would like a more personal touch, you can order the book directly from our business at the "real" Construction Marketing Ideas blog. The price may be a little higher (though it includes shipping both in Canada and the U.S.) but you'll be able to connect directly with me if you wish and I can autograph your copy.
You can also order the book directly from me as a PDF file for a price lower than any of the other options.
You can browse the book at Amazon but may find Google Books provides a more satisfying experience. The sample at Google Books is set to allow you access to 1/5 of the book's contents -- enough, I believe, to allow you to see if the content is relevant and useful for your business.
Of course you are guaranteed 100 per cent satisfaction or we'll refund you money in full.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:39 PM
Monday, May 03, 2010
The mid-year review
Does you business have a structured planning and review process? If not, it should. You can read why at the real Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
I also devote a chapter to this vitally important aspect of business in the Construction Marketing Ideas book.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
12:02 AM
Saturday, May 01, 2010
The Art and Science of Publicity
Yesterday evening, in experimenting and testing some functions within Constant Contact, I inadvertently included some unplanned lists in a follow-up document offering a free booklet, The Art and Science of Publicity.
Three individuals requested the resource. You can access it as well by emailing, of if you prefer, visiting the relevant page on the "real" Construction Marketing Ideas blog
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
9:37 PM
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Our new websites

The design may well become the template for our other publications.
In the meantime, we've set up new interim corporate page at to describe our different publications.
Of course, The Design and Construction Report, reflecting its special status as an online magazine, has its own appearance.
A question for marketers is how important it is for a single organization to have a truly standardized and consistent website style. If this is really important, we might be seen to have problems. However, I think the diversity of looks and feel on the different websites is actually a healthy sign for this business.
First, we are exploring creatively a number of different approaches and can learn from them which works best and which can be improved. Then we can confidently develop our template.
Second, and perhaps most important, sometimes too much effort is spent by marketers on trivial matters in the name of "brand consistency". What is really important is the underling culture and values of the business and its ability to relate well to current and potential clients. I think we are far better off by encouraging staff and contractors to be creative and to explore new ideas than to force them into standard processes.
Nevertheless, I think the new North Carolina sites will soon become our overall business website template.
What do you think?
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
9:12 PM
Google Books: Construction Marketing ideas
I've posted this reference before, think it worthy to invite you to take a look again at Google Books and the opportunity to preview substantial sections of Construction Marketing Ideas: Practical Strategies and Resources to Attract and retain clients for your architectural, engineering or construction business.
Or you can go directly to the actively-maintained Construction Marketing Ideas blog.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
2:15 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New Design and Construction Report issue published
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
8:58 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010
Remembering Sonny Lykos
This 2006 image shows the late Sonny Lykos (right) with Michael Stone.
For some of Lykos' insights -- he hated "free estimates" -- see this earlier posting about The Process, which showed how he escaped that trap.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
1:14 AM
Friday, April 23, 2010
Advertising works, really
The challenge is that many otherwise successful contractors "rely" on word of mouth and referral business. The good news is that if you have (in good times) enough of this business to survive, you will likely do much better with effective advertising . . .
But . . . when you first go into the advertising space, you may find you are pouring good money after bad (spending money with little or no results).
There are ways around this problem, which I periodically outline at the "real" Construction Marketing Ideas blog and in my Construction Marketing Ideas book
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:30 PM
The Construction Marketing Ideas book on Google Books
Of course, you can also visit the actively maintained and updated Construction Marketing Ideas blog (with more content than this sort of self-promotional posting) at
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
2:17 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Construction Marketing Ideas book: An update
Today, I received the first positive review on for Construction Marketing Ideas: Practical strategies and resources to attract and retain clients for your architectural, engineering or construction business
So far, we've sold about 15 books, with the bulk of the orders in the last two days. It's exciting seeing the response.
You can purchase the book at or at the actively-maintained Construction Marketing Ideas website. If you prefer the book in digital PDF format, visit the website and you can order it for download at 50 per cent off the print price -- but I still think that books like this are meant (at least for now) to be read in book format.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
7:06 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Design and Construction Report

We're starting the page layouts for the next issue of the Design and Construction Report, which I expect will be online next week.
Posted by
Construction Marketing Ideas
6:51 PM