The numbers here are holding steady, despite several additional responses through newsletter and this blog's publicity.
At present, 74 per cent of readers say they find most of their business either from referrals, or from their existing clients.
The poll isn't scientific, of course, but I expect even if you asked a fully qualified survey the results, they would be in the same range.
Where should you direct your marketing energies and expenses, then? The Yellow Pages? Internet lead services? Or maybe, just maybe, you should focus on creating an atmosphere for your existing clients so appealing they'll spread the word about your brand and call you when they know something interesting they would like you to do.
And you can be systematic about this, and plan it, and build it into your marketing budgets rather than leave it to chance.
Editor's note: In case you are wondering why the numbers don't add up to 74 per cent; this is a live poll -- so as you and others respond, the numbers can change. As I write this note, the referral/repeat share is now 75 per cent.
Calculate Your Cost Per Lead
When you calculate your cost per lead, you'll know what you need to spend
on marketing to meet your sales goals.
3 years ago
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