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Friday, March 16, 2007

The $???? Day

At 5:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon, I counted my earned pay for the day. Disappointed, indeed. I hadn't earned the target number, nowhere near. In fact, in my mind, I had earned 1/3 of the required sum.

Of course this had nothing to do with the amount of pay I am allowed to deposit (and for which I pay personal income tax) twice a month. It is the daily breakdown of my imputed target annual income. Breaking down the tasks and things I did through most of the day, I found I had worked about two hours at the level necessary to earn the amount I need to achieve my objectives. The rest of the time, well, the value of my labour time would be zero, or certainly much lower than the worth of what I need to earn.

(The exact numbers are no one's business but mine -- this after all is a public blog, but I'm sure you can look at your own day and value your time appropriately.)

I thought then of two gurus I've cited recently in this blog -- Jim Fannin's and Michael Stone's Markup and Profit newsletter and blog. Certainly, through much of the day I was nowhere near the peak performance zone-- I just wasn't doing the kinds of things that add real value. And if I was effectively overseeing my business, it wasn't apparent from what I was actually doing -- fiddling around on the computer with out-of-range topics and lethargically checking on how much I had earned through our business's currently tiny online marketing projects.

Nevertheless, I can say I saved the day -- and got closer to where I want to be in business -- with these achievements.

* I turned a simple writing job into a truly effective lead generation initiative -- it is early to assess the potential of this initiative, but it looks promising (this is worth a few hundred dollars I suppose).

* We moved forward with two promising candidates for the second Ontario sales position -- a key job that needs to be filled before the business can grow.

Good stuff, I suppose. But what if I had worked within the peak performance zone for six or seven hours rather than two or three today. How much potential did I lose by just letting things happen?

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