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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Choosing a construction marketing consultant

Image from "Dos and Don'ts of choosing consultants" from the Scorecard Managers Forum

As I work on this blog, I'm beginning to 'collect' construction marketing (and general business) consultants. My list right now includes:

Michael Gerber

Henry Goudreau

Bernie Siben

Michael Stone

The consultants all offer some useful insights and services, and of course they self-promote with newsletters, websites, blogs and the like. But how good are they, really?

I'm thinking of creating some kind of survey/ranking mechanism where people who have used these consultants (and others) can rank their value and performance.

There are two risks with this idea. The first is that we won't achieve enough of a response/sample size. The second, of course, is that the consultants (especially if the sample is small) could stack the deck by inviting friends and supporters to respond.

Please feel free to share your thoughts by email to or through a comment (which can be anonymous).

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