Yesterday, in a flash of inspiration, I drafted an email and sent it to a sampling of our database, offering a free $50 gift card for people who could recommend the their 'best' client or supplier salespeople.
So far, several people have responded with specific names, who I expect to call within the next few weeks to gain a better understanding of what makes someone in sales 'great'. I realize there are risks and limitations in this unscientific, reward-based survey. The individual making the recommendations may lack authority and simply want the gift -- and the sales reps referenced may be great at client service for existing customers, but less able to find/discover new business.
Nevertheless, I'm hoping to see if there are common denominators among the organizations which hire these representatives, and their behaviour/connection with clients.
I'll report on my interviews/findings in the weeks ahead.
Calculate Your Cost Per Lead
When you calculate your cost per lead, you'll know what you need to spend
on marketing to meet your sales goals.
3 years ago
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