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Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Five Don'ts of Sales Presenting

I really enjoyed this Five Don'ts of Sales Presenting blog posting by Sims Wyeth (above), in his blog High Stakes Presentations. It is simple, distilled advice -- just one entry in an overall well-designed blog. (I found it through Ford Harding's blogroll, where he is listed along with, now, me!)

Here is the first 'don't':

Don’t even go to the presentation if the client won’t meet with you ahead of time so you can learn what they want and why they want it. Your time is extremely valuable, as is theirs, and you should not waste either their time or yours by pursuing an opportunity for which you are not suited, or by traveling to recite information they could read in a brochure, e-mail or website.

Wyeth is of course absolutely right here -- as (you will notice when you read his blog), is his effective connection and relating through association with other influential speakers and allies.

Certainly, in business it is possible to soar and build your own reputation, but you'll go a lot further if you associate and relate to others with leadership talents in their areas of expertise.

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